Monday, November 21, 2011

Lightening Up and Looking Good

Owner Merilee at Idaho Bag Ladies is in style and rarely without a smile.

You’ll find her modeling items daily within her store. She really believes that clothes and accessories make the woman:

“I think we all walk a little lighter when we treat ourselves, absolutely. The basis of the store is interchanging. Interchangeable accessories and flaunting your individuality, because none of them are the same. That’s my tagline: Flaunt your individuality. With these interchangeable items two women can both buy the same pair of switchflops, but they’re going to look completely different because they’re probably going to choose different straps or snaps. Same with the watches and the purses, so it’s always a lift when they can personalize it to fit their personality.”

Spunky and take-charge, I asked her where the self-confidence she exuded came from.

“As far as being my own person; I think I’ve always been this way! I’m one of the lucky ones. I had the ideal childhood; I was Daddy’s girl. I was always encouraged and supported. My parents told me I could do and be whatever I wanted to be, so I was very blessed. Yes, I think I’ve always been this way; seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty. I’ve always seen the positive light and like to spread that. I like to see others realize their potential, too.”

I asked her how she became the owner of a store like the one we were in. Her answer was one I’d heard many times lately:

“This is not what I set out to do. I was in Real Estate; I owned a real estate company. I got involved with the Idaho Bag Ladies in January of 2010. I was still doing real estate. I’d been doing that for 20 years, and felt I was done. Prior to real estate I was in retail. My passions are coordinating, everything matching, shoes, jewelry, purses. So that’s kind of how this happened.”

“It was time for a change. It was hard to keep a positive outlook with all of the hardships out there. When you have the option of doing something different…at time’s you’ve gotta say, I’ve got to walk away from this. It was the hardest because of some of the stories.”

Merilee has found her venue for giving people a boost.

“Now I’m bringing positive light and they can all match!” she laughs.

She’s a big believer in helping her neighbors, too.

“If as a community we succeed; if we support each other and make sure that all of us succeed, look at where we’re going to be. Just imagine the possibilities. I believe whole-heartedly in promoting other businesses and making sure everybody else succeeds as well.”

“It might be a struggle each month, but I believe firmly that we need to honor our obligations and do what we said we were going to do. The only way to do that is to support each other, utilize some of our space. I do a monthly newsletter and I believe in promoting people in that. I have a section back here set up for the community; I have a local Avon gal, the Nampa Fit studio, the individuals at the hair salon and anybody else that comes in and has a business that they want to promote can come here into the store and promote it.”

Merilee helps others that are not business owners, as well, and has reaped rewards from this:

“It’s not in a monetary way so much. One way it comes back to me is the satisfaction. If I donated for a drawing and they’ve won a $25 gift certificate; the joy on someone’s face when they get to come in, splurge and get something for themselves that they probably wouldn’t have otherwise…There’s that. The money that it generates; going to local schools or programs like the Family Justice Center; it’s just a feel-good feeling.”

Customers are not only appreciated, they’re also rewarded for their loyalty.

“My customers are the best,” Merilee shared, displaying her bright smile, “They’re friends. I try and get to know all of them on a first-name basis and remember them when they come back through the door. They’re very loyal. It’s a known, proven fact: Everybody knows that your customers are your best advertisers. They pride themselves on sending people here. ‘I told so-and-so about this.’ ‘I tell everybody about you’. My customers care that my doors stay open. That means the world to me. It means more than anything to have a customer come in and look me in the eye and be genuinely concerned about how my business is doing. That’s why I started the Refer-A-Friend program. I wanted to reward and thank them so much for sending people my way. I enjoy seeing them come through the door.”

Why ‘Flaunt Your Individuality’?

“Your confidence level rises! If you like what you’re wearing and you look good, your whole day…you’ve got it made. It’s hard to frown when you look good! When you can coordinate and you get compliments, and it’s all day long ‘Oh my gosh, I love your earrings!’ or ‘Oh my gosh, I love your shoes!’ you lighten up!”

Lightening up and spreading that light is what Merilee seems to do best.

Visit Idaho Bag Ladies today and get individualized style, coordination, and appreciation. Merilee guarantees all three.

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